Ambient in Dom plus

Consulting an architect when furnishing your home

The Ambient and Home plus Fair has been offering its visitors free architectural consultation – Top Architect for many years.

Consulting an architect is wise for several reasons:

Space planning

Architects are trained to understand how to maximise the functionality of a space. They can help you create the layout that best suits your needs and allows for optimal flow and movement in your home.

Design expertise

Architects can provide valuable insights into design concepts, colour schemes and furniture layouts that can bring your vision to life. They can help you create a coherent design that complements your style and aesthetic preferences.


Architects can work with you to create custom pieces of furniture that are tailored to your specific needs and preferences. This way, you can ensure that your furniture fits perfectly into your space and meets all your requirements.

Quality assurance

Architects can help you choose high-quality pieces of furniture that are designed to last. They can provide recommendations on materials, construction techniques and durability to ensure you invest in furniture that will stand the test of time.

Budget management

Architects can help you create a realistic budget for your furniture purchases and make sure you stay within your financial limits. They can advise you on where to invest your money and where to save, and ensure you get the best value for your investment.


Generally speaking, consulting an architect when furnishing your home can help you create a space that is both functional as well as beautiful. They can help you make the most of the space available, offer design expertise and ensure that you invest in high-quality product that suits your needs and preferences.

Architectural consultancy certainly pays off in the long run, because it thoughtfully and professionally designs ambiances, even in perpetuity if you wish.